
The 第九条和平等机会办公室 is tasked with enforcing potential violations 基社盟的非歧视政策. 基社盟的非歧视政策禁止 以下行为: 

  1. 基于任何受保护地位的歧视 
  2. 基于任何受保护状态的骚扰
  3. 性骚扰 
  4. 不正当的性行为 
  5. 性剥削
  6. 约会与家庭暴力
  7. 基于性别的跟踪
  8. 禁止双方同意的关系
  9. 相关的报复

Because the definitions can be lengthy and may feel overly complicated, we have simplified 为方便参考,将它们放在下面. Please note, however, that these simplified definitions 不是支配的定义吗. 完整的定义请参见CSU 不歧视政策. 

Protected statuses include age, disability, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and veteran or military status.


1. 受保护地位歧视

occurs when a person experiences an Adverse Action because of their Protected Status. An Adverse Action is an act that has a substantial negative impact on the impacted person’s ability to participate in a university program, 活动, or employment. 

Discrimination may occur when some一个 treats a person/group with a protected status 不同于另一个人/群体(e).g.在美国,男性的演出报酬高于女性 同样的工作). Discrimination may also occur when some一个’s decision(s) impacts 一个 person/group 不同于另一个人/群体(e).g.在美国,男性雇员多于女性 对于某种类型的工作). 


2. 受保护状态骚扰


  1. severe or pervasive; and 
  2. engaged in because of another’s Protected Status; and
  3. substantially limits or interferes with the impacted person’s ability to work, learn, or participate in university activities or programs.

受保护状态骚扰 may also occur when it is severe or pervasive and:

  1. submitting to, or rejecting the unwelcome conduct is a basis for decisions that affect some一个’s employment or academic status/progress, or 
  2. submitting to the unwelcome conduct is being presented as a term or condition of employment (e.g., “you better tolerate this behavior if you want to work here”). 


3. 性骚扰

不受欢迎的性行为(e.g.口头或非口头的性行为 或性请求),其中:

  1. submission to the unwelcome sexual conduct is conditi一个d on academic status/progress, employment, pay benefits, title or other opportunities; or
  2. the conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that its effect limits the ability to participate in or benefit from the university’s services, activities or opportunities; or
  3. The conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that its effect creates 吓人的、敌对的或令人反感的环境.


4. 不正当的性行为

is any sexual act against a person without their 同意. 

Each person involved in the sexual 活动 must ensure they first obtain 同意 来自其他参与者. 


  1. 同意 must be given without coercion, force, threats or intimidation.
  2. 没有抗议或抵抗并不意味着同意.
  3. 沉默不代表同意.
  4. 同意可以在任何时候撤回或撤销.
  5. 同意 to 一个 form of sexual 活动 does not mean consent to other forms of sexual 活动.
  6. Prior sexual 活动 is not consent for future 活动.
  7. 同意 不能 be given if the person is unconscious, unresponsive, asleep, or incapacitated by alcohol and/or drugs; a minor; or unable to communicate due to their mental or physical condition.


5. 性剥削

covers a list of prohibited behaviors that all involve taking sexual advantage of some一个 for another person’s benefit without consent (e.g.卖淫 或性交易). 


  1. The recording (pictures, audio or video) of another person's sexual 活动 or intimate 未经同意的部件.
  2. The distribution of any image or video/audio recording of another person's sexual 活动 or intimate parts, if the distributor of the images or audio knows/should have known that the distribution occurred without consent.
  3. The viewing of another person's sexual 活动 or intimate 未经同意的部件 在一个尊重隐私的地方.


6. 约会 & 家庭暴力

约会暴力 means physical/ threat of physical violence against a person who was/is in a romantic 或者与冒犯者的“约会”关系. 决定是否存在的因素 was/is a “dating” relationship include: 1) the length and type of the relationship; 2)他们互动的频率. 

家庭暴力 means physical/threat of physical violence against a current or former spouse of the offender; a co-parent with the offender; or any other domestic relationship recognized 根据加州法律.   

For more information and resources on 家庭暴力, please visit the National Resource Center for 家庭暴力 webpage.


7. 跟踪

is a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause them to fear for their safety (or the safety of others) or suffer substantial emotional distress. 跟踪 may occur in person, online, or by ph一个/text. 

For more information and resources on stalking, please visit the 跟踪 Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center webpage.


8. 被禁止的双方同意的关系

is a sexual or romantic relationship between an employee and student, or between two 当一个人对另一个人有权力时.    


9. 报复

is any negative action taken against an individual because they:

  1. made a report to the 第九条和平等机会办公室; or
    participated as a Party or witness in an investigation by the Office for
  2. 第九条 and Equal Opportunity; or 
  3. opposed conduct they reasonably believed was in violation of the Nondiscrimination 政策.